Hadley Huffman – 20 Years Old – USA
Died less than 2 months after her second Pfizer injection.
Hadley, a healthy and active pre-med student from Wayne State University passed away unexpectedly in June, following the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine she took on April 16, 2021. Vaccinadead: June 15th, 2021.
A statement from Hadley’s mother Colleen: “It’s difficult to sum up Hadley’s beauty, quick-wittedness, and wonderful personality into just a few sentences. Everyone knew when Hadley walked into a room. Anyone who met her experienced her electricity and was drawn to it. She lived a full lifetime in her 20 years. Hadley was a social butterfly, making friends from every walk of life all around the world. She would talk to anyone and everyone, anywhere, at any time. She was magnetic. We were blessed to learn many valuable lessons from Hadley: how to fight injustice, how to be loyal, how to laugh, and most of all, how to have fun.”
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Michael Mitchell – 65 Years Old – Scotland
This actor who starred in movies: Gladiator and Braveheart, was also a bodybuilder and 5-time World Fitness Federation Champion.
He died a week after his Pfizer injection.
Actor, father and husband Mike Mitchell, was born in Scotland, but died in Turkey. He passed on July 23rd after suffering a cardiac arrest. This happened just 7 days after his 3rd injection. He had previously also taken 2 Sinovac injections; one in February and one in March.
Dose 1: February 22, 2021 (Sinovac)
Dose 2: March 20, 2021 (Sinovac)
Dose 3: July 16, 2021 (Pfizer)
Vaccinadead: July 23, 2021
Micheal openly criticised people against mask-wearing, and those who tried to stop him joining what he called this “experiment to save lives”. He had also made public statements that people had tried to persuade him not to take the injections.
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Jacob Michael Clynick – 13 Years Old – USA
Died 3 days after his second Pfizer injection due to an enlarged heart.
Jacob was a student. He was only 13 years old when he took his first Pfizer injection on May 24, 2021 and his second dose on June 13th. According to his aunt, Jacob suffered cardiac arrest just 3 days later on June 16, 2021. He was healthy with no preexisting conditions and was not on any medication.
A note from his obituary: Jacob recently completed 8th grade and was looking forward to starting high school and joining the band. He was incredibly excited to take trumpet lesson this summer to prepare for it. Jacob was loved by everyone he met. His jokester personality lit up the room whenever he walked in – at school, with his friends, and with his family; while he is no longer physically with us, we know his loving spirit will live on in all who knew him.
Autopsy results showed Jacob had an enlarged heart surrounded by fluid. A TV News station commented on his Tami’s Twitter post that at the time 7 other boys from ages 14-19 were also known to have suffered similar heart issues post injection.
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Isabelli Borges Valentim – 16 Years Old – Brazil
Died 8 days after her 1st Pfizer injection.
Isabelli received her Pfizer vaccine on August 25th. She died of heart-related issues on September 2nd.
Isabella had symptoms including dizziness, headache, shortness of breath and drowsiness just one day after vaccination. On Sunday, the 29th of August, her mother, Cristina, took her to hospital after she complained of tingling throughout her body. The attending physician said that these symptoms could be psychological due to the vaccine and that she would be discharged. Before leaving the hospital, Isabelli passed out.
The young student was transferred to a hospital in São Paulo, where it was found that she had extremely low levels of red blood cells and haemoglobin. A transfusion of eight bags of blood was needed. After a seizure, Isabelli was taken to the intensive care unit where she later died.
Isabelli got the Vaccine because it was a required to go to Disney, which was her dream. “She was always very dedicated. It was just the two of us. She was my life, my reason for living,” said Cristina.
Her death certificate shows that she died from three causes: cardiogenic shock, acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) and severe anaemia.
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Giulia Lucenti – 16 Years Old – Italy
Died less than 24 hours after receiving the second Pfizer injection.
Ms. Giulia Lucenti received her second Pfizer mRNA injection on Wednesday, September 8 at 5:45 p.m. local time, according to Notizie.it in Milan. The Galilei Institute student had had a congenital heart defect called mitral (bicuspid) valve prolapse. Myocarditis and pericarditis are common, known adverse effects from the Pfizer injections, particularly among teenagers. Blood clots are also common, known adverse effects to these shots. A study released last week by University of California scientists found that teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer from post-injection heart problems than to be hospitalized from COVID-19. The family told doctors about Giulia’s congenital heart defect. But doctors insisted she still get the injections. Giulia was a healthy young teenager who did not drink alcohol or smoke. She lived a normal life despite the congenital heart defect. Giulia immediately reported a sore arm after the second injection, just like she did after the first. Lorenzo Lucenti, Giulia’s father, urged his daughter to postpone the injections because he knew they were different from other vaccines. Giulia was scared of needles and was also reluctant to receive the injections. But she needed the injections if she wanted to resume in-person schooling. Giulia was pronounced dead at 2:50 p.m in her mother’s Bastille home.
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Davide Bristot – 18 Years Old – Italy
He died less than 1 month after getting the Pfizer injection.
Davide, was a healthy young man who was physically active and enjoyed playing volleyball. On June 17, 2021 he took the Pfizer vaccine. According to his parents, sometime in July he started experiencing headaches and vomiting which lasted a few days. His parents then took him to a local hospital. It was there the doctor examined him but was unable to determine the issue causing his illness.
Sadly, on July 14, 2021, Davide’s mother found him unresponsive in his bedroom. His parents are now waiting on autopsy results and an investigation into the doctor’s diagnosis the day he was taken to the hospital. The parents are clearly devastated and just want to understand why and how this could have ever happened, especially when the risk of dying from covid is negligible, according to Stanford University’s disease prevention chairman. He says: “For people younger than 45, the infection fatality rate is almost 0%.” Read more about Davide from an Italian News website here.
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Kamrynn Thomas – 16 Years Old – Wisconsin US
Died 11 days after receiving the first Pfizer injection.
Ms. Kamrynn Soleil Thomas received the first experimental Pfizer mRNA shot on March 19. The details are quite scary from there. She suffered from hemodynamic collapse (or circulatory collapse) at her home on March 28. That means she lost consciousness because blood pressure dropped so low that the circulatory system wasn’t delivering adequate oxygen to her cells. Anaphylaxis, or severe allergic reaction, is a known cause of circulatory collapse.
Doctors placed her on an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) machine because her heart and lungs ceased functioning properly. They also found bilateral pulmonary embolisms (blood clots), meaning both of the main arteries to her lungs were blocked. Young Kamrynn passed away on March 30.
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Ernesto Ramirez Jr – 16 Years Old – Texas
Died within five days from receiving the first Pfizer injection.
“My name is Ernest Ramirez, I was a single parent who lost my son a few days after he received the Pfizer shot.
Ernesto, my son, received the vaccine and, following his death, the only explanation that was given to me was an enlarged heart.
My son was in good health, and regularly played baseball since he was 7 years-old.
Advertising claimed that the vaccine is safe for adolescents, and this convinced me to book-in Ernesto Jr. for the jab on April 19th. Five days later he died.
I need to spread my story so that hopefully no one else will go through what I’m going through.
Ernesto Jr was my world and I feel I need to fight for him and others that are also suffering. Ernesto died of an enlarged heart five days after the jab, according to his autopsy which showed his heart was double the normal size.
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Volodymyr Salo – 19 Years Old – Ukraine
Died seven hours after receiving the Pfizer mRNA injection behind his family’s back.
Mr. Volodymyr Salo, also spelled “Vladimir” in some accounts, received his first Pfizer mRNA injection on September 13 at about 2:30 p.m. local time, according to the Ukrainian Humanities Institute. Mr. Salo was a student there. His day continued as normal thereafter. He ate dinner in the student cafeteria at 6:30 p.m., then played board games with other students in the commons area. The situation quickly deteriorated from there.
A high fever and general malaise kicked in around 8 p.m. Mr. Salo collapsed and had a seizure at 8:15 p.m. and went into violent convulsions. University medical staff performed CPR as they waited for the ambulance to arrive. When paramedics arrived at 8:45 p.m., they applied a portable ventilator for an hour in an attempt to save Mr. Salo’s life. But he had no pulse by 9 p.m.
Mr. Salo was pronounced dead shortly thereafter.
His death certificate says he died from cardiopulmonary insufficiency, pulmonary edema, and acute coronary insufficiency. In layman’s terms, his heart and lungs were completely destroyed, likely due to blood clots. An official cause of death won’t be known for months.
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Sofia Benharira – 16 Years Old – France
Died after 7 days after receiving the first Pfizer injection.
Sofia died on 21st September 2021 after suffering two Cardiac Arrests and a massive post-vaccination Thrombosis.
She suffered her heart attacks at her High School in Valabre, Gardanne, in the Bouches-du-Rhône. Sofia was then transported to Aix Hospital and she died on the Tuesday morning at 6:00 am. The family were told it was a Thrombosis.
Sofia had no medical history and was in perfect health.
Testimony given by Sofia’s Aunt and Godmother.
Valabre, Gardanne, France

Shirel Hilel – 22 Years Old – Israel
Died 13 days after receiving the second dose of Pfizer
Ms. Shirel Hilel (spelled Shirel Halal on Facebook) received her second dose of the experimental Pfizer mRNA shot on or around March 18, according to Channel 13 (Reshet) via the Times of Israel. She started having muscle pains and overall discomfort. The situation got worse when she started having trouble breathing and experienced chest pains. Ms. Hilel, 22, was taken to Ziv Medical Center in Safed as the situation deteriorated further.Doctors diagnosed her with myocarditis, inflammation of heart muscles. She was transferred to the hospital’s cardiac unit for further treatment. But family members told the news station that hospital personnel were negligent in her care. Nofar Hilel-Vizman, Shirel’s sister, said the heart monitoring machines were making noise and lighting up. But nobody came to her sister’s aid. Shirel died on or around March 31.
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Luke Garrett – 20 Years Old – Scotland
Died less than 12 hours after receiving the first Pfizer injection.
Mr. Luke Garrett received the experimental Pfizer mRNA shot on February 8 at a site administered by the Ballochmyle Medical Group, according to the Daily Mail. Mrs. Tricia Garrett, Luke’s mother, discouraged him from getting the shot. But she said Luke wanted the shot so he could “live his life again” and get out of lockdown. Mr. Garrett received the shot at 3 p.m. He almost immediately developed a high temperature, followed by severe full-body muscle pain. He had a seizure and was foaming at the mouth a little after midnight. Mrs. Garrett called 999, the U.S. equivalent to 911. She performed CPR on her son while awaiting paramedics. Mrs. Garrett also called 111, an urgent care advice line in Scotland around 1 a.m. Paramedics arrived and gave Mr. Garrett an adrenaline shot. The 111 nurse said they would send additional medical personnel out and call back within two hours. But nobody showed up. Instead the 111 nurse called back at 4 a.m. and asked if Luke still needed help. Mrs. Garrett responded, “my son is dead.” Luke would have turned 21 years old on February 18.
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Zarife Imeri – 23 Years Old – Albania
Died 48 hours after receiving the first Pfizer injection.
Zarife, only 23 years old, died 48 hours after receiving the Pfizer Vaccine.
She got her vaccine on September 13th. She was hospitalized on September 15th but died shortly after as a result of intra-abdominal hemorrhage (abdominal bleeding).
Haxhi Xhemajli, her grandfather said that his granddaughter got vaccinated at the Vaccination Center in Drenas, on September 13th at 15:29. Zarife with no underlying health issues passed away 48 hours later.
Haxhi wrote “You had to be vaccinated to stay in the workplace. That vaccine caused your death after 48 hours. Do not force us, do not condition us. I will find no peace until the truth is revealed. Someone will be held accountable I swear. Rest in peace, our granddaughter,”
The prosecutor in Pristina has launched an investigation. The case is being investigated as a suspicious death.
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Dr. Joshimar Henry – 27 Years Old – St. Lucia & USA
Died 3 months after receiving Pfizer mRNA shot.
Dr. Henry passed away unexpectedly April 3, 2021. He was working as a resident in Chicago at Humboldt Park Health. He was among the first Chicago residents to get the first dose of Pfizer’s experimental mRNA shot on December 15, 2020, he received his second shot on January 6.
He said in a Facebook post that he understands people’s hesitancy.But he made his decision after ” some research.”
Dr. Henry was not obese or overweight. The young man was trucking along fine, living what appears to be a good life.
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Francis Mossman – 33 Years Old – New Zealand
Died 15 days after receiving the second Pfizer injection.
Mr. Francis Mossman, aka Frankie Mossman, received the second dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA on July 30, according to his Instagram page. He never posted much about COVID-19 or experimental injections. Most of his recent Instagram posts were about one of his three dogs that got hit by a car on May 19 and the lockdowns in Australia. He typically posted something new every three days or so. But there were only two more posts after the second Pfizer injection, with the final one on August 12 talking about him “enduring pain.”
Mr. Mossman passed away on August 14, Sydney, Australia. The Sydney-based actor is dead, as authorities and friends push the most ironic cause of death possible.
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Maxime Beltra – 22 Years Old – France
Died nine hours after receiving the first Pfizer injection.
Mr. Maxime Beltra received the first dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA on Monday, July 26 at around 2 p.m. local time, according to a video by his father, Frédéric Beltra. The image of the EU Digital COVID certificate is a bit hard to read because it’s a screenshot from a video. But you can clearly see Maxime’s name on the top right and the date on the bottom right.
La Chaîne Info (LCI) reported that Maxime went to a restaurant with friends after receiving the injection. Maxime’s sister called Frédéric at 10 p.m. and told him that Maxime was suffering a “violent” allergic reaction of some sort. Paramedics tried saving Maxime, to no avail. He passed away at 11 p.m., nine hours after the Pfizer injection.
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Lorenzo Scorteccia – 24 Years Old – Italy
Died from a heart attack ten days after receiving the first Pfizer injection.
Lorenzo, just 24 years old and a goalkeeper for Campitello, died from a heart attack – ten days after his Pfizer Vaccine.
Shortly after returning to the house where he lived with his family on 16th June, Lorenzo fell sick and unconscious.
Within minutes an ambulance arrived, along with the medical car and the entire 118 staff worked hard to revive him. Unfortunately however, every attempt proved unsuccessful as Lorenzo’s heart had stopped.
The outcome of the autopsy carried out, refers to possible cardiac complications. The hypothesis remains the fulminant heart attack.
His father Andrea said ” He was the portrait of health and he led a health-conscious life. I believe there are few of them (vaccine victims) at his age. No smoking, no alcohol and never in the disco. Just ask all the clubs where he played football and the representatives of numerous events he took part in ”.
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Haziq Kamaruddin – 27 Years Old – Malaysia
Died after 10 days after receiving the first dose of Pfizer.
Haziq a professional Archer from Malaysia died suddenly on May 14, 2021. He had his first dose of Pfizer on April 13, 2021 and his second dose on May 4, 2021 according to his social media account and Wikipedia.
As most deaths now that happen after the vaccination, they claim there is no correlation. So many young dying suddenly. We can no longer trust the news. They have been known to our right lie about cause of death in many.
Haziq was a Malaysia’s recurve men’s team archer and two-time Olympian who had competed the archery event in the London 2012 and Rio 2016 Olympic Games. He also participated in World Archery Championships for four times from 2011 to 2017.
Haziq leaves behind his wife Shira.
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Ayesha K. Faines – 35 Years Old – New York
Died14 weeks after receiving the second Pfizer injection.
Ms. Ayesha K. Faines, a Yale-educated, 35-year-old, liberal woman, ate something that she’s allergic too and died of anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), according to News4Jax, Faines’ former mainstream media employer. The report also says she had asthma. That means you have a better chance of dying (according to insurance companies) in a car accident, falling down and breaking your skull, drowning in a swimming pool, etc. than from food anaphylaxis.
Ms. Ayesha K. Faines received the second dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA sometime around March 15, according to her Twitter posts. It is unclear exactly when she received the first and second shots. But her earliest post about being vaccinated is from March 30. She was very active on June 28, with 25 tweets that day. The medical issues related to the mRNA shot likely commenced thereafter. No further activity appeared on her Twitter page. Her last Facebook post was June 28 at 10:45 p.m. Ms. Faines passed away on July 2.
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Sara Stickles – 28 Years Old – US
Died five days after receiving the second Pfizer mRNA shot
Ms. Stickles received the second dose of the Pfizer mRNA shot on or around February 2, according to a family Facebook post. She immediately broke out in rashes. Ms. Stickles had severe headaches five days later, Sunday, February 7. Soon thereafter, she started crying and said “something isn’t right. Just hold me” She lost the ability to speak, her eyes crossed and glazed over, before she lost consciousness, according to a Facebook post by Jacqueline F. Gifford.
She was taken to SwedishAmerican Hospital, just over the state line from Beloit. The initial diagnosis was a ruptured brain aneurysm. She was then airlifted to the University of Wisconsin Hospital in Madison the next day, according to her uncle, George Allen Petit. Doctors performed a cerebral angiography through her groin all the way up to her brain. Subarachnoid hemorrhage was also mentioned as the possible issue. Kara Stickles, Sara’s twin sister, posted an update on February 10. Sara “has no brain activity,” she said. Doctors called the family and summonsed them to the hospital to say their goodbyes.
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Rachel Mckinney – 35 Years Old – UK
Died 4 months after receiving the second Pfizer injection.
35 year nurse Rachel died on April 3, 2021 after receiving the Pfizer injection. in December 2020. Her family says Rachel started showing signs of stroke which led her to being admitted to the hospital where she sadly passed away after being put on life support.Doctors diagnosed her with brain inflammation. Mrs. McKinney’s condition quickly deteriorated. She became paralyzed and lost her ability to speak. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the family was unable to see her. All they could do is watch her cry on FaceTime.Mrs. McKinney was transferred to Salford Royal Hospital a week later. But her condition continued to worsen. Doctors said she developed acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). She had multiple seizures, forcing the doctors to place her in a medically-induced coma. The family saw the writing the wall in March.Rachel fought for several more weeks. But she passed away on April 3 after 46 days in hospitals. Doctors said Rachel somehow developed a rare form of multiple sclerosis after the shots.
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Mauro Valeriano D’ Auria – 45 Years Old – Italy
Died shortly after receiving Pfizer injection.
Mauro Valeriano D’Auria, a gastroenterologist at Umberto I Hospital in Nocera Inferiore, reportedly dropped dead from a heart attack while playing tennis, on January 24, 2021.
He was said to be “in the prime of life, and in perfect health.”
He had boasted on his FaceBook page that he had taken the “vaccine” for Covid-19 and that it was perfectly safe.
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Simone Gregor – 35 Years Old – South Africa
Died 3 days after receiving the first Pfizer injection.
Mr. Siyabonga Africa received his first dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA on Friday, July 16, according to his Twitter account. The first two comments on the tweet were a woman telling him “well done,” and another woman with party emojis. He retweeted two pro-mRNA posts shortly thereafter. Two days later, Sunday, July 18, he retweeted a post about Fauci allegedly receiving his second dose of experimental mRNA on January 19. Fauci said he was “knocked out,” fatigued and achy for 24 hours thereafter. Mr. Africa wrote, “This is me with dose number 1. It’s been 48 hours of hell.” He collapsed in his home on the night he received the injection. But paramedics dismissed it as nothing. He was not hospitalized.Mr. Africa encouraged another person to go get the mRNA injection that day as well. Ms. Gregor replied again on Monday, July 19 and asked “how are you feeling today?” When he didn’t respond, she tried sending him a message on WhatsApp. Ms. Gregor then received a message from one of Mr. Africa’s family members. He passed away early that morning.
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Luigi Buttazzo – 42 Years Old – Italy
Died After receiving the Second Pfizer Dose.
Luigi Buttazzo, a surgical equipment technician in Rome, at the Tor Vergata Hospital, was found dead shortly after he had just received the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
He died in his sleep, at the age of 42, struck down by a heart attack. Known as “Gigi”, he was an operating room instrumental nurse at the Tor Vergara Polyclinic and general manager of the Villa Adriana football team. At the forefront and “always ready to help everyone”, he helped save the lives of patients, literally hanging by a thread. “He loved to give smiles, to play football. He was a Lecce fan….”, remembered his colleagues. “…we all wanted to work with him because he was so competent and conveyed serenity”.
He leaves his wife Letizia, also a nurse, and two daughters, Mia and Giorgia, 27 months and 6 years old. On Friday we have the funeral in the church “San Silvestro Papa”, in via di Villa Adriana, in Tivoli, his city of origin.
“Gigi had no previous pathologies” …says a colleague from the operating room… “he often went for a run”.
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Dan Kaminsky – 42 Years Old – USA
Died 11 days after receiving the second Pfizer injection.
Mr. Dan Kaminsky received his first experimental Pfizer mRNA shot on March 22. He made it very public on Twitter. Mr. Kaminsky, a co-founder of Human Security (formerly White Ops), went on what can only be described as a virtue signaling rampage for the next several weeks.It culminated in Mr. Kaminsky gloating further about his second experimental Pfizer mRNA shot on April 12.
He died Friday, April 23 at his home in San Francisco. Wikipedia, the family and mainstream media say the cause of death is “diabetic ketoacidosis.” His niece defiantly continued the attacks on anyone and everyone who does not agree with the experimental shot agenda after her uncle’s death.
The celebrated security researcher, Dan Kaminsky, widely known for his work on discovering crucial DNS security flaws, Sony Rootkit infections and popular talks at the Black Hat Briefings has died.
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Louie Knuxx – 42 Years Old – New Zealand
Died 28 days after receiving the second Pfizer injection.
Mr. Todd Williams, aka Louie Knuxx, the New Zealand hip hop artist, received his second dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA on July 15, according to his Twitter page. He reported a sore arms the following morning, but no other adverse effects. He also said he was “ready to party.” Mr. Knuxx’s vitriolic rhetoric and attitudes towards anti-lockdown protesters in Australia had been ongoing since at least May. He referred to thousands of protesters in Melbourne as “whiney fucking babies.” About two weeks after the second injection, he attempted reassureing himself by saying he’s still had no adverse reactions.
Mr. Knuxx woke up on August 13 and got on his treadmill, as was apparently a regular routine. But he suffered a heart attack while running on the treadmill, meaning blood flow was blocked (blood clots) to parts of the heart. He was pronounced dead shortly thereafter.
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Charles Haley II – 41 Year Old – US
Died 43 days after receiving the second Pfizer injection.
A 41-year-old father, husband and Seattle Seahawks fan is dead in what appears to be another “sudden illness.” Bellingham, Washington.
Mr. Charles Leo Haley II received his first dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA on May 27 at the Lummi Tribal Health Center in Bellingham, according to his Facebook page. Less than two weeks later, he wrote about three of his four daughter being “fully-vaccinated.” Friends and family praised and congratulated Mr. Haley and the girls. That same day, Mr. Haley reported that he received his second dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA. Mrs. Haley appeared to mock the non-vaxxed, saying she hoped her husband “won’t turn into a zombie.”
Mr. Haley was very active on Facebook. He rarely went more than two days without posting something, mostly about hip-hop music, cars and his family. Thus it was out of the ordinary for Mr. Haley to stop posting after July 23. His final Facebook post at 10:43 a.m that morning was a video of a souped-up car. He passed away on July 30.
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Elizabeth Durazzo -39 Years Old – Italy
Died 2 days after receiving the first Pfizer injection.
Elizabeth died in sleep of cardiac arrest just two days after taking the Pfizer Vaccine.
The young nurse worked at the “Fabrizio Spaziani” Hospital in Frosinone. The hospital was one of the first hospitals in Lazio where, between the end of December and the beginning of January, all of the health personnel were subjected to a massive vaccination against Covid-19.
She was married and leaves a young son.
Frosinone, Italy
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Marílio Costa Leite – 48 Years Old – Portugal
Died between 2 to 4 days after receiving the first Pfizer injection.
The relatives of Marílio Costa Leite report:
Marílio, who disappeared on Sunday 18th July during a Cross country Trail in Marco de Canaveses, Portugal was found deceased on Tuesday 20th July. His family say “that the vaccine against Covid-19 may have left the athlete severely weakened”.
It has been confirmed that Marílio had been vaccinated two days before the race, with the Pfizer Vaccine.
Marílio was a long distance, professional Cross Country Runner, with his last race being about a month ago where he ran in Serra do Caramulo for two days, and covered more than thirty kilometers.
Pfizer 16th July 2021, Aged 48 Years
Died Between 18th – 20th July 2021
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Lynnae Erick – 50 Years Old – Canada
Died seven days after receiving the first Pfizer injection.
Mrs. Lynnae Erick received the first dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA on May 17, according to her Facebook page. She first said the shot was AstraZeneca, but corrected herself in the comments section. Mrs. Erick immediately reported a sore arm and fatigue. Her condition progressively worsened over the next week. While she posted many positive messages (as was obviously her nature and normal self), Mrs. Erick was suffering. She said her neck was sore and she could not stay awake at all. Mrs. Erick posted a very sad update on Saturday, May 22.
The foregoing post has since been deleted. Many friends and relatives started expressing concern. One suggested she take colloidal silver. Another told her to call 811, a health advice line in Canada. But she continued suffering profusely, apparently without relief. Mrs. Erick said Sunday, May 23 was even worse than all previous days.
She posted one final update on Sunday, May 23.
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Bill Scott – 53 Years Old – New York
Died in 2 months after receiving the second Pfizer injection.
Mr. William “Bill” Scott who was the Syracuse teachers union president, announced on January 11 that he would receive the experimental Pfizer mRNA shot later that week at the Syracuse Exposition Center. He posted his COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card on January 17. A bizarre lot of comments follow the post. Mr. Scott received the second dose on February 7. Mr. Scott, like a lot of experimental mRNA and viral vector recipients, apparently suffered no immediate side effects. But it seems everyone who receives these shots become walking, talking advertisements for pharmaceutical companies and the COVID agenda as a whole.
Mr. Scott posted about his opposition to schools changing social distancing guidelines from six feet to three feet on February 25. He also posted about his concern for long-term effects of COVID-infected children. Mr. Scott “died suddenly” on April 24, a little over 10 weeks after the second Pfizer shot. Mr. Scott is survived by his wife and four children.
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Dr. Witold Rogiewicz – Warsaw, Poland
Died two weeks later getting Pfizer mRNA injection
Dr. Witold Rogiewicz did what many others are doing in the era of COVID-19. He rolled up his sleeve and proudly gloated about receiving the second dose of the experimental Pfizer mRNA shot on camera. He shared the video on social media.
At least three million Polish citizens have received the Pfizer, Moderna or Oxford/Astra Zeneca shots as of March 3, according to Reuters. Dr. Rogiewicz not only got the jab on camera, but also decided to mock and insult everyone with a healthy skepticism related to the experimental shots. The original video was removed from Youtube. But here it is published on Rumble. His attempt at humor was well-received by Youtube commenters before the video was removed. We’re neither going to dignify his comments with elaboration, nor add insult to ultimate injury. But the Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper in Warsaw reported that Dr. Rogiewicz died on or around February 15.
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Former Middleweight boxing champion Marvin Hagler – 66 Years Old – US
Died 2 weeks after receiving Pfizer injection.
The world lost Major League Baseball Hall of Famer Hank Aaron two weeks after he got the Pfizer BioNTech mRNA shot. Now another sports legend is dead from the same causes. Hearns posted on Instagram that Hagler was “in ICU fighting the after effects of the vaccine.” The post is still live, as of publishing. Hagler’s son, James, told TMZ that his father was taken to a New Hampshire hospital yesterday because of chest pains and difficulty breathing. Kay Hagler, Marvin’s wife, posted on Facebook that the former undisputed middleweight champion died a short time later.
It’s obvious that the Hagler family is listening to public relations people who cannot tell a consistent story across various platforms. Mainstream media and big tech censored Hank Aaron’s pre-death Pfizer mRNA shot and Larry King’s pre-death mRNA shot. They are doing the same with Marvelous Marvin Hagler. The champ was 66 years old. He is survived by his wife and five kids from a previous marriage.
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Sónia Azevedo – 41 Years Old – Portugal
Died Two Days After receiving the first Pfizer injection.
A perfectly healthy 41-year-old is dead after receiving the experimental BioNTech/Pfizer mRNA COVID vaccine, according to the Portugal Resident. Sónia Azevedo and 538 other healthcare professionals at the Instituto Português de Oncologia (IPO) cancer hospital in Porto, the second-largest city in Portugal, received the vaccine on December 30, 2020.
Azevedo had dinner with her family on New Year’s Eve before driving to her boyfriend’s house in nearby Maia. Her boyfriend went to the store the next day. He found her dead body in bed upon his return. Azevedo’s father said she never drank alcohol and was in good health. Azevedo was proud to take the vaccine and even posted photos of the event on social media, according to her father.Vânia Figueiredo, Azevedo’s daughter, told the newspaper Correio da Manhã: “We don’t know what happened. It all happened quickly and with no explanation. I didn’t notice anything different in my mother. She was fine. She said the area where she had been vaccinated hurt, but that’s normal…”
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Bernice Gibb Rhoades – 56 Year Old niece of Bee Gees brothers – US
Died days after receiving the second Pfizer injection.
Mrs. Bernice Gibb Rhoades received her second dose of the experimental Pfizer mRNA shot on or around April 12, according to the Daily Mail. Mrs. Rhoades, who family called Berry (also spelled “Beri”), is the niece of Bee Gees brothers Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb.
Chino Rhoades, Berry’s husband, found his wife dead with their dogs by her side in their home on April 15. Her mother, Lesley, expressed anger and shock. Lesley told Daily Mail reporter Claudia Joseph that her daughter was fit and healthy. She also spoke candidly about the experimental mRNA shots that took her daughter’s life.
Her mother may not be able to attend the funeral because of COVID-19 travel restrictions.
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Sharon Beaudry – 67 Years Old – North Carolina US
Died 24 hours after first Pfizer mRNA shot
Ms. Sharon Beaudry received the experimental Pfizer mRNA shot on Saturday, March 13, according to her daughter-in-law, Tara McKenna-Bosse. The effects were apparently immediate. Ms. Beaudry had type-1 diabetes and was immuno-compromised.
She was uncharacteristically a no-call, no-show at work on Monday. Police performed a wellness check at her home when nobody could get a hold of her. They found her dead.
The family held a “floating Celebration of Life” in honor of Mrs. Beaudry on April 10. Ms. Beaudry is survived by her son Richard (and Tara) and several grandchildren.
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Greg Galdon – 67 Years Old – US
Died 19 days after receiving the second Pfizer injection.
Mr. Greg Galdon received the first dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA on March 2. The Subway restaurant owner and pastor was extremely happy to receive the first shot. He spent “hours on the internet each week” searching for mRNA availability in his area. Mr. Galdon received the shot via the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. He apparently suffered little to no ill effects from the first shot.
Mr. Galdon received the second dose on March 23 and celebrated with an animated GIF on Facebook. He spoke of a “10 day countdown clock,” presumably referring to when he is allegedly immune from COVID-19. Again everything seemed fine after the second shot.
He posted a funny meme on Facebook featuring the Roadrunner cartoon character on April 10 at 9:27 p.m. He died Sunday, April 11.
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Alan Sporn -75 Years Old – Chicago US
Died nearly two months after receiving the second Pfizer injection.
Mr. Alan Sporn received the first dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA in early January, according to NBC 5 Chicago. He received the second shot in the first week of February. Mr. Sporn began experiencing severe headaches and a perpetual fever beginning the second week of March.
He checked into an emergency room for treatment on March 19. Doctors diagnosed him with COVID-19, five weeks after the “vaccine.” Mr. Sporn was admitted to Glenbrook Hospital on March 22 when his condition worsened. Glenbrook doctors found that his body had built up little to no resistance to the novel coronavirus despite receiving two experimental mRNA shots.
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Dr. Gregory Michael – 56 Years Old – US
Died two weeks after receiving Pfizer.
Dr. Gregory Michael had a private practice at mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach for 12 years, according to his website. He received the Pfizer vaccine on December 18, 2020. His wife, Heidi Neckelmann, said in a January 5, 2021 Facebook post that her husband passed away on January 3.
Mainstream media barely covered the story. But the one that did are already trying to deflect blame from the vaccine. Pfizer, according to the USA Today, said in a statement, “We are actively investigating this case, but we don’t believe at this time that there is any direct connection to the vaccine. It is important to note that serious adverse events, including deaths that are unrelated to the vaccine are unfortunately likely to occur at a similar rate as they would in the general population” .
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James Cooper Sawyer – 77 Years Old – US
Died eight days after receiving the pfizer booster shot.
Mr. James “Jim” Cooper Sawyer received a third Pfizer mRNA “booster shot” on August 20, according to his daughter Leah Flaga. Pfizer booster injections are currently recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) only for immunocompromised people. Thus it is unclear why or how Mr. Sawyer even got the third injection, as he was described as healthy and vibrant by his family. The CDC reported that one million Americans have received booster shots as of August 31.
Mr. Sawyer immediately started “not feeling right” after the third injection. He text-messaged his daughter that day, asking her if she could help explain the adverse effects he was experiencing. No more information is provided thereafter. Mr. Sawyer passed away “suddenly and unexpectedly” on August 28. Ms. Flaga said she hopes sharing her father’s story will “cause someone to think twice and do their research before so willingly injecting something so foreign into their body.”
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Serious Side Effects
Maisy Evans – 17 Years Old – Wales
Develops blood clots, hospitalized after first Pfizer mRNA injection
Ms. Maisy Evans received her first experimental mRNA injection on August 11, according to her Twitter page. It is unclear which injection she received. But only Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca are used in Wales. AstraZeneca is only being offered to people over age 40, according to Wales Online. Thus Ms. Evans received the Pfizer injection, which is the only one authorized in the U.K. for children under age 18.
General malaise kicked in on August 13. Headaches and muscle aches followed. Ms. Evans said she “tested positive” for COVID-19 on August 14 and has ran with that ever since.
Doctors first suspected sepsis or meningitis. But after X-rays, CT scans and blood tests, she was diagnosed with a blood clot in her lungs. Blood clots are common, known adverse effects from all of the experimental injections. Ms. Evans tweeted on August 27 that she would be in the hospital for a couple more days because she cannot “regulate [her own] oxygen levels.” She is taking blood thinners, steroids, morphine and antibiotics.
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Serious Side Effects
Brittany Jouppi – 23 Years Old – Florida US
Suffers nine seizures in 24 hours, severe neurological trauma, hospitalized five times in four weeks since Pfizer mRNA injection
Ms. Brittany Jouppi received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on Monday, August 9, at a local Walgreens, according to her Facebook page. She survived the “15-minute waiting period” and was sent home. But she developed dizziness and a severe headache while driving home. She also felt numbness and tingling in her extremities. But Ms. Jouppi, like many vaccinated individuals, dismissed it all as normal side effects after the injections. So we went to sleep thinking she’d wake up feeling normal. That didn’t happen.
Ms. Jouppi had fully-body numbness in addition to severe headaches, tingling sensations in her limbs, sharp pain behind her eyes, and confusion the next morning. She went to the emergency room, was tested for COVID-19, and sent home. A nurse told her, “there are too many COVID positive patients in here right now, we don’t want to potentially expose you. Come back if symptoms worsen.” She laid down for a nap when she got home. Ms. Jouppi woke up two hours later to use the bathroom. Next thing she knew, she woke up in the hospital. Her boyfriend found her on the bathroom, unresponsive, in a pool of urine as she lost bladder control. Paramedics took her back to St. Lucie Medical Center, the same place that sent her home hours earlier.
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Serious Side Effects
Leah Taylor – 22 Years Old – Iowa US
Hospitalized with myocarditis after coerced Pfizer mRNA injection, future uncertain
Ms. Leah Taylor received her second Pfizer mRNA injection sometime between July 27 and August 22, based on context clues from her now-deleted Instagram account. It’s unclear whether she deactivated the account herself or if Instagram took it down because she reported severe adverse reactions to the mRNA injections. Several people have told us that their Instagram accounts were locked and/or deleted recently after sharing personal adverse effect stories.Ms. Taylor posted an Instagram update on August 23. She said she took “the whole summer off” from exercise because she was diagnosed with myocarditis after receiving the Pfizer mRNA injection. But based on her posts from the summer of 2021, she was working out regularly until July 27. Despite the doctors’ advice, Ms. Taylor posted another update on August 24. She reported doing a light weight lifting workout to get herself back in the groove while not raising her heart rate too much. She was screened for heart failure. But doctors ultimately ruled that out. She also posted an Instagram story showing her pre-Pfizer muscular physique, followed by a photo of her arm with an IV in it from a hospital bed.
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Serious Side Effects
Madeline Johnson – 21 Years Old – California Random paralysis getting progressively worse after second Pfizer injection
Ms. Madeline Johnson received her experimental Pfizer mRNA injections in February and March, according to her mother, Marah Johnson. Madeline, who goes by Maddy, works in a hospital and thus got the injections early on. Adverse reactions started out relatively “mild” – wrist pain and numbness in her hands. But her condition progressively worsened. Maddy sought medical attention in April. She lost fine motor skills and suffered high fevers, nausea, swollen limbs, breathing issues and random bouts of paralysis in various parts of her body. A new symptom described as “feeling slivers of glass” in her finger when she touches something was reported on July 6. She’s now having trouble swallowing food and water, and is suffering severe chest, throat and abdominal pain.
But it highly unlikely this story is fabricated. Not only does this family seem pretty well-off (no reason to grift/no GoFundMe), but also we’ve seen these same adverse reactions in many others. Marah conceded that her daughter may not be able to attend medical school anymore. She also prefaced all of this with the disclaimer “this is not an anti-vax post.” That is modus operandi, however, if Maddy still has hopes of attending medical school. She and her family must tow the big pharma line. Marah is keeping detailed records of all symptoms, treatments and diagnoses for Maddy. She’s resting at home now. But the future is uncertain.
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Serious Side Effects
Eve Dale – 20 Years Old – UK
Have full-body convulsions, unable to walk 24 hours after second Pfizer mRNA injection
Ms. Eve Dale received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on June 26, according to her Facebook page. She reported general malaise and fatigue, but said she expected that to happen. The second mRNA injection came on August 21. Ms. Dale said August 22 was, “the day my life became a nightmare.” She posted a video of herself, from her home surveillance cameras, walking out of the front door at 11:01 a.m. that morning. Ms. Dale posted another video four hours later from the surveillance cameras. It shows her crying with two people helping her get out of a car and walk into the house. Ms. Dale said she felt excruciating pain in her back and could not walk on her own. So she called her friends for help. Ms. Dale posted two videos later that evening. She went to the emergency room when she realized something was very wrong. By then the “stabbing and shooting pains” spread from her ankles all the way up to her neck. Doctors said she was suffering from full-body muscle spasms caused by the Pfizer injections.
Her final message to everyone: “PLEASE PLEASE do your research as [this] is unfortunately my life. I don’t have a choice anymore yet you do.”
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Serious Side Effects
Deborah Tilli – 27 Years Old – Canada
Has seizure 15 minutes after COVID-19 vaccine
Deborah Tilli said she accepted the possibility of death after suffering several adverse reactions to the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Tilli, 27, is a personal support worker at the Dundurn Place Care Centre in Hamilton, Ontario. She received the shot on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2020. Tilli told the CBC that she was excited to be one of the first healthcare workers to get the shot. But she said something was “off” when the time approached. Tilli said the nurse who administered the shot did not seem very confident in what she was doing. She informed the nurse of her bumblebee sting allergies. Tilli said she felt light-headed and her throat got very scratchy within 15 minutes after getting the shot. Next thing she remembered was waking up in a hospital bed. She was told that she suffered a seizure and needed CPR during the episode. A week later, her ribs were still very sore; and she now worries about losing her job and driver’s license because of future seizures. University of Toronto epidemiologist Colin Furness said that the nurse who administered the vaccine should have known that Tilli was not a good candidate for the shot. “If you have severe allergies, this is not the vaccine for you, not now, not yet,” he said. “Wait for Moderna, perhaps. So everyone who has allergies should be awake and paying attention to that.” Tilli said the system failed her and now she has no idea when she’ll feel normal again. She acknowledged that it’s partially her fault because she did not do any research and simply trusted the system. Despite her episode, Tilli said she encourages everyone else to get the vaccine.
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Serious Side Effects
Lindsey Reeves – US
Suffers anaphylactic shock eight hours after first Pfizer mRNA injection, relentlessly attacked by vaxx zealots for reporting it on Facebook
Mrs. Lindsey Reeves received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on Saturday, August 7, at 5 p.m., according to her Facebook page. She and her husband went out for a regular weekend night thereafter. They got home after midnight. Mrs. Reeves laid down, but knew something was very wrong.
She immediately felt hot flashes and her throat got extremely sore in a matter of minutes. Mrs. Reeves lost her ability to swallow and suffered tingling sensations in all of her limbs. They called 911, but Mrs. Reeves condition was rapidly deteriorating as she could barely breathe. Her husband put her in a car and drove 100 mph to the Norton Community Hospital emergency room. Doctors immediately diagnosed her with anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction. These reactions usually happen within minutes after exposure to the allergen. But they can also happen anywhere from four hours, six hours or even 24 hours after exposure. Anaphylaxis is fatal if the victim is not given immediately medical attention. doctors administered epinephrine, methylprednisolone and Benadryl. Mrs. Reeves survived the scare and does not appear to be suffering from any further adverse effects. In short, she was very fortunate and is intelligent enough to recognize the mistake and not exacerbate it further.
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Serious Side Effects
Ivy Avanessian Fua – Los Angeles
Has stillborn baby 12 weeks after Pfizer “fully vaccinated”
Dr. Ivy Fua received her first dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA on January 31, according to her Instagram account. She was 21 weeks pregnant at the time. Dr. Fua said this was a personal decision because “I believe in science and vaccines.” She said it is her duty to promote the mRNA injections and to be a role model. The young mother, who is around 33 years old based on her college graduation date, received the second injection on February 18. She said that her happiness was “indescribable” because of her “fully-vaccinated” status at 24 weeks pregnant. Dr. Fua hugged her colleagues that day and encouraged people to “do their research…don’t rely solely on information you see on social media.” A postscriptum in the update reads, “so far I’m feeling fine and I had the Pfizer vaccine.” Dr. Fua learned that she was having a boy and named him Ara. She was due to give birth at the end of May. Dr. Fua posted an update on May 9, Mother’s Day, reminiscing about the birth of her two-year-old son, SJ. The post ended with “The countdown is on! T [minus] 3 weeks.” Former Pfizer executive Dr. Michael Yeadon spoke about the protein Syncytin-1 back in December 2020 when he warned pregnant women not to get the experimental mRNA injections. The protein is essential for placental development and maintenance. He posited that artificial spike proteins would act as anti-Syncytin-1 antibodies. Further, it is now settled science that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections cause blood clots that lead to everything from limb amputations to death.
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Serious Side Effects
Jessica Turner – 34 Years Old -US
Has seizure while driving five days after first Pfizer mRNA injection
Ms. Jessica Turner received her first dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA on August 1, according to her Twitter account. She chronicled the entire event, from the moment she arrived at the Holy Bible Church, to when she ordered her Redbones Barbecue via the gift card “reward” for receiving the injection. Ms. Turner immediately reported a “pulsing feeling” in her neck and, prophetically, joked about a flickering light that “would cause a seizure” if she had epilepsy.
Ms. Turner was driving northbound on Interstate 93 five days later, Friday, August 6. Two of her three children were in the car with her. Suddenly her hands started convulsing uncontrollably. Luckily she was close to a freeway exit. She got off the highway and pulled over onto the shoulder. By then her whole body was convulsing; and she realized she was having a seizure. Her daughter immediately called 911. Ms. Turner told her daughter to start recording the ordeal because she wanted others to see what was happening to her. The one clearly-audible thing she said during the broadcast is “I got the vaccine.” She reported a bit of good news on August 19, saying she’d gone five days without a seizure. Unfortunately she had more seizure this past Friday, August 20.
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Drene Keyes – 58 Years Old – US
Died within hours of receiving Pfizer vaccine.
Rare instances of anaphylaxis, or severe allergic reactions requiring hospitalization or the use of an EpiPen, have been reported for the COVID-19 vaccines. But so far, the CDC hasn’t identified any cases in which a vaccine caused a person’s death. Keyes’ daughter, Lisa Jones, said she was told the state won’t do a full autopsy “due to public health concerns.” The medical examiner’s office did not return requests for information on the case from The Virginian-Pilot on Thursday. Keyes was eligible for the vaccine because she worked for the Middle Peninsula Northern Neck Community Services Board, supervising two sites. She was quickly rushed to VCU Tappahannock Hospital. “They tried to remove fluid from her lungs. They called it ‘flash pulmonary edema,’ and doctors told me that it can be caused by anaphylaxis,” said Jones. “The doctor told me that often during anaphylaxis, chemicals are released inside of a person’s body and can cause this to happen.”
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Serious Side Effects
Sarah Green – 16 Years Old – US
Develops Neurological Problems After The Pfizer injection.
A healthy 16-year-old has developed neurological problems after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine”. Sarah Green received her second shot on May 4th. She immediately experienced a severe headache. Over the course of three weeks, Sarah developed small facial twitches, tics and debilitating migraines. Her symptoms have progressively worsened over time. Green got the vaccine on her own without parental consent.
Marie Green, the mother of Sarah, posted this message on Facebook on June 16th. In an recent interview with The Defender, Sarah and her mother, Marie Green, said they feel helpless because nobody will acknowledge Sarah’s vaccine injury and “nobody can help them”. “She works in fast food and on the frontline and they were told the vaccine would be mandated,” Green said. “Krispy Kreme was giving out a dozen donuts, so the kids went and got their shots.” Sarah was told the risks of getting a vaccine included having a sore arm for a few days, but now it has been months and she’s not fine. Sarah working to regain her muscle coordination and strength at her neurologist on July 9th. Green said neither she nor her husband got a COVID-19 vaccine. When Sarah said she wanted to get it, Green explained her and her husband’s reservations and why they weren’t getting the vaccine.
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Serious Side Effects
Greg Luyssen – 22 Years Old – Belgium
Forced To End His Cyclist Career After Heart Problems Due To The COVID-19 Vaccine.
KORTEMARK, BELGIUM – A 22-year-old cyclist is forced to end his career after developing heart problems as a result of the COVID-19 vaccines. Greg Luyssen, a life-long cyclist, became unwell during a professional race at the beginning of September. He was forced to give up the race and was taken to hospital. It turned out that he had suffered heart damage as a result of his second dose. The 22-year-old is now forced to end his cycling career.
“I was in the chasing group during the Kortemark Race when I suddenly became unwell,” he says. “I felt a huge pressure in my chest and it was so bad that I had to leave the race. I was taken to hospital and diagnosed with heart failure. I already had fever a number of times for no apparent reason after my second COVID-19 vaccine, but I had never thought about the casual relationship. Further tests have now shown that my heart muscle is affected and that my body reacts poorly to intensive activity,” Luyssen said. “My body needs time to recover. My heart only works for 75% and I feel pressure in my chest every day, which also always leads to severe headaches. If I even go up the stairs, I can already feel it. You can imagine how it is when I try to exercise. I now have to take it easy and go for check-ups every six months,” Luyssen said. Luyssen is not the only Belgian cyclist who recently revealed that they had suffered heart problems as a result of the jab. Yarno Van Herck and two other young cyclists developed heart problems after their vaccination while professional cyclist Greg Van Avermaet is still awaiting diagnosis for his health issues after the COVID-19 vaccines.
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Whistleblower says seven of 31 nursing home residents
Died immediately after forced Pfizer mRNA shots
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is one of the most important voices for truth about COVID-19 and so-called vaccines in the world. He is an attorney admitted to the Bar of Germany and the State Bar of California. His organization helps business owners in Germany recover damages resulting from COVID-19 lockdowns and other measures. Dr. Fuellmich is also one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee. The committee, after nine months of investigation, has already concluded that COVID-19 and experimental shots are “probably the greatest crime against humanity ever committed.”
Dr. Fuellmich and associate attorney Viviane Fischer conducted an interview with a Berlin nursing home caregiver on February 8. The whistleblower’s voice is distorted and his face hidden to protect his identity. The 40-minute video is conducted in German, with English subtitles. The whistleblower talks about how seven residents died almost immediately after the first Pfizer mRNA shot in January. Several more got sick. Despite the deaths and adverse effects, the surviving residents were given the second shot a few weeks later. One more resident died and 11 more became severely ill.
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